Movie Review: Priscilla: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
From 1994, this movie is one of my all time favorites!! It's a's got drag's got a wonderful message....ok I gotta stop counting cause the hits just won't stop coming.
This film was made by Stephan Elliott and stars an extraordinary cast...
Hugo Weaving as Tick / Mitzi
Yes, it's Agent Smith from the Matrix..and he is a super fierce drag queen with a son and he puts a show together with Terence Stamp..yes, General Zod from Superman..ZOD!!!
HE happens to be a veteran lay girl in her hay day...He plays Bernadette who is quite the beautiful..
And there's a third member of this traveling, drag show...HIGH QUALITY, AMAZING drag show....Guy Pierce as Adam / Felicia.
Three amazing actors playing these incredibly deep and real roles..flawless as their lipstick. I love this movie. I've always loved it..but at 12:45 AM on a Wednesday morn, I figured you should all see this and watch it ifn' ya haven''s my favorite clip..
Fabulous!! LOVE IT!! Revel in the fierceness!!! ROWR!!
I am an alien-esque, reptilian based life-form put here on this Earth to suffer and create. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will.
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