Monday, October 5, 2009

Jessie's Crappy Edits of Pics from Photoshoot w/ Genius, Jeff Higdon!!

These pics were taken by the genius photographer, whom I intend on doing many more shoots with, Jeff Higdon. Click here to go to his Model Mayhem Profile!! I now have my hubby's flu so I'ma prolly go lay down. lol! Enjoy the pics!! More to come..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a trip to have other, talented gurus using my make up!

Here are a few videos from other, amazing gurus using my Bayou Chic Collection pigments in some incredible ways!! There's HotTrannyMess, Blklacquer, GoldieStarling...I have a feeling more will start popping up here and there too. How exciting!!! Stay tuned by checking out my official channel by clicking here and subscribing!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

See me being Stylishly Scalped by Christine!

Here is my latest upload to my youtube channel! You can listen to me and Christine's singing voices as the soundtrack to this video. ENJOY!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Visit the channel here to subscribe, rate & comment!
